Concept film
The Storyboard is ready for your review. In this phase, we have thoroughly prepared and planned how we can communicate the concept optimally within our timeline of approx two minutes. The film is made in a mix of animated infographics and film footage
Speak: Our resources is our future – circular processes that harmonize with the beautiful circular ecosystem, we live in
Visuals: Fokus on the ressources – slowly revealing great nature shots
Speak: When we throw out plastic, in the right bin, of course – many worry about where it all ends… and with good reason
Visuals: Girl opens bin and throws out colorful plastic, filmed from the bottom of the bin
Speak: UNTIL NOW! A new and innovative partnership has made it possible to utilize the mixed and dirty plastic waste we create in our households. In Rebild (Denmark) you can already find the first bins of its kind – made from their own plastic waste
Visuals: Showing the bin, plastic waste, FAIR Plastic raw-materials and at last the new bin – showing the entire journey
Speak: This is a very big step forward in our handling of plastic waste
–– setting completely new standards for our demands for recycled plastic
Visuals: Focus on the resource = plastic waste (blured film with text revealing)
Speak: Oh, and by the way. We’re making huge CO2 savings, by moving the resources from incineration to repeated circular recycling processes, that will last for decades
Visuals: Animated infographics and with film of the plastic waste
Speak: When the plastic waste is collected from the citizens…
Visuals: Film shots from Reno Nord
Speak: …Reno Nord handles the important pre-sorting and extraction of the plastic waste for the further treatment
Visuals: pre-sorting proces
Speak: With hand-picked partners, Ragn-Sells refines the plastic waste through complex mechanical processes, transforming the waste into resources.
Visuals: Film shots from Ragn-Sells in Randers
Speak: Pelletized and ready for production. There are no shortcuts to ensuring a consistent high quality. So, that’s what we do: ensuring a high quality control to meet the highest standards
Visuals: Showing the raw-materials and quality control
Speak: PWS never compromises on quality. And that’s no easy task with recycled post consumer plastic.
Visuals: Focus on PWS and product
Speak: But the message from EU is clear: New innovative processes is demanded to combine the highest quality with the most critical plastic resources
Visuals: Critical plastic waste and high quality raw-materials
Speak: The big question is how? How is it possible to mass produce a bin that can cope a fall of 3 meters – withstand extreme temperature differences and archive the highest certified standards for bins – made from ressources catapulting sustainable plastics to new heights
Visuals: A great mix of animated infographics and film footage
Speak: It is. With the right people and mindset. Circular economy cannot be reached by a single entity alone, but is the result of cooperation between partners and supply chain innovation
Visuals: A group of people talking + animated infographics (We are planning to do the shots at Ragn-Sells in Randers)
Speak: Thank you Rebild, for sorting your plastic waste. Now, we can recycle your plastics in new bins many times, and by doing so, securing our resources for the decades to come.
Visuals: Back to the beginning – girl sorting plastics + animated infographics illustrating the securing of the resources for decades
Speak: …
Visuals: Outro with the bin and all partners