Film project/ SpaceOS Hybrid 

Let’s not focus on features. Let’s focus on what really matters:


Think About People


The most important thing for any business is making
the right workspace for the people within it.

People are everything.

With SpaceOS Hybrid you empower people at work.

You equip your employees with a hybrid workspace that drives shared progress within your organization and beyond it. 

A workspace that makes your Mondays better and allows you to focus on what matters:

[ SpaceOS Hybrid selected features ]

Film/ scope

Film production: First 60 seconds = 3,350 EURO (34 hours of work)
Each following 30 seconds = 1,800 EURO (18 hours of work)

When we deliver the script we’ll clearify the total length of the film

You can follow the project and process here

KimBO Christensen

Ring: 22 94 84 26
